No Major Breaks
With the new major WordPress update, it was great to see everything still functioning how It was created, not necessarily how it was intended.🤣🤣🤣 Since migrating over from Blogger, there is a big difference, it’s not as simple to construct. The theme I purchased was harder to use with WP than anticipated. That only led to looking elsewhere for another. So between the seven current live sites, [though not all are built out] I’ve tried quite a few different theme parents to play around with. Note that each comes with its own set of how to’s, blocks, navigators, adjustment capabilities. It’s like learning Photoshop, Affinity, Krita, GIMP, and Canva, all in a couple of settings one right after the other. You don’t get good at any of them that way.
It’s important to me to just try new things out inside each site to just get a feel for things. No all wonderful all seeing AI here to offer a hand. It’s all me fumbling along. The other part is many things on the page happen automatically now. The pages and posts auto save before I’m quite ready to commit.😁 Making a backup has not been high on my priority list yet as, nothing is really set in stone anyway. Surely, in 6 months everything will be different. It’s the only way for me to learn. But it’s becoming increasingly apparent, that I have to settle down, get the tools out, pick one and learn it well before moving on anymore
Following other niche site creators, some days it is inspiring and other gut-wrenching. Terminology flies over my head. Much has to be researched, looked up, even translated into something basic for my simplistic form of learning. It is fun though, just time-consuming. It has been a solace during a very hard season of life. I highly recommend everyone of any age, pick up something from the very beginning, stumble and try again. Rebuilding these sites and projects has been the greatest time of personal growth.
Then take those little tidbits of newly formed neuro-pathways and share with someone close by, or far away, if they are interested enough. The sharing is the most important. When you get excited, feel the wave of emotion, sharing the info reinforces itself in a more permanent path. [I’m not a DR or scientist] just my opinion. These projects have taught me about humans and their capacity for kindness, encouragement, selflessness and love. Their sense of collaboration that can blend with the competitive spirit of a creator economy. When each of us are producing our best for ourselves with growth & sharing in mind, It opens up the possible.
There is more possible, and plenty of time to explore the possibilities. This is what keeps my spirit from also having a major break. I don’t have to be Hemingway or Dalio. Finding my own greatness might just mean breaking down and rebuilding niche websites. That can be enough and still be rewarding.
Sharing knowledge is the most fundamental act of friendship. It’s a way you can give something without loosing something
-Richard Stallman